Better performance with index optimization

The true power of all databases is in the use of indexes. If a database is missing or can not use the optimal indexes, perhaps due to a problem with the underlying data, then addition of clever indexes or changes to existing indexes can increase performance significantly.

Server tuning

A default installation is hardly ever really suited for any real-world application; any installation should be tuned after it has had some traffic. We can perform a scan of the setup and optimize the configuration to give your database a boost without touching or even seeing the stored data.

Application tuning and problem identification

Sometimes it can be of great benefit to make changes to the data processing procedures or the software/application that is using the data stored in the database. This can involve changes to the database structure, and is done in cooperation with your dev team.

Course PostgreSQL for coders

We have developed a course that has the working title "PostgreSQL for coders". This course is intended for those whom write code and may have to deal with databases more out of necessity then volition, or those whom simply wish to understand the inner workings of PostgreSQL in greater detail.


Better performance with index optimization

The true power of all databases is in the use of indexes (also known as keys). If a database is missing or can not use the optimal indexes, perhaps due to a problem with the underlying data, then addition of clever indexes or changes to existing indexes can increase performance significantly.
We can perform a thorough scan of live database usage, identify problematic statements and suggest (or directly implement) non-intrusive changes, usually by adding indexes. Due to the non-intrusive way this is performed, it is often possible to do this on a live production system.

Get your server in shape with server-tuning

A default installation is hardly ever really suited for any real-world application; any installation should be tuned after it has done some traffic. We can perform a scan of the setup and optimize the configuration to improve the utilization of available resources to give your database a boost without touching or even seeing the stored data, while keeping the deployment situation in mind. This is an intrusive step that will require a couple minutes downtime.

Application tuning and problem identification

In some cases it can be of more benefit to make changes to the data processing procedures or the application that is using the data stored in the database. In such a case we can work together with your development team or the software vendor to identify the problem, analyze the underlying reason and then either optimize the problematic SQL statements or make changes to the data structures themselves in such a way that there no longer is a problem. This type of very targeted consultancy is usually done in a development environment, and in that situation is non-intrusive. Keep in mind that as part of this tuning process it is often possible to cull out unnecessary tables, indexes and fields, thus saving on the pressure on the storage and memory (buffers) subsystems, which can lead to a longer lifetime of the database system before a costly hardware or hosting upgrade is needed.

Our on-site course "PostgreSQL for coders"

We have developed a course that has the working title "PostgreSQL for coders". This course is intended for those whom write code and may have to deal with databases more out of necessity then volition, or those whom simply wish to understand the inner workings of PostgreSQL in greater detail. This intensive course takes 3 or 4 days (of 8 or 6 hours) and is given on-site at a location of your choosing at a group of 4 to 12 students.

An open-registration version of this course for individual coders is being planned out, if that is a better fit for you, please let us know.

Contact us for the possibilities:

But... why?

An excellent question which deserves a thorough answer.
  • Better database performance means faster loading times, faster search results, and overall a better end-user experience.
  • If your database creates less stress on your system(s) it can be possible to scale-down the database server(s) or delay upscaling them. That is a permanent saving on monthly expenses.
  • Less stressed systems lead to lower power consumption, which saves on the power bill and lowers the environmental imprint of the server.
  • A system that has more headroom in its capacity is better prepared for future expansion of its dataprocessing, and there are always feature-requests waiting, right?

Our key values


We prefer to work remote, as this saves cost, time and the environment, and the more impactful work can be performed during the quiet hours.


We always report back what was done and what the effect of it was, and if we can not solve a problem, we are honest about it too. (Though so far that has never happened.)


Our consultants are cleared to work on systems containing user identifiable and financial information in Europe.


Fair pricing

You pay for deliverables and solutions, not for suits and cigars.


If it is a requirement we can perform our work on-site, though usually it is possible to avoid all the associated hassle, travel time and costs by doing things remotely through a secure connection (ssh or vpn), or even by taking over a remote desktop with a remote access tool (this enables a local tech to watch and learn as a bonus).


After the performed optimizations on the systems of Adaptics (a part of Prevermo group B.V.) in both the database and in the main application, some excellent speed gains where obtained, for example reducing actual querytime from 15 seconds to less then 0.5 second for each generated PDF document.
Rohan Miseroy Manager at Prevermo group
If it where not for the consultation of the expert at our site would not have been able to cope with the extreme amounts of daily product data anymore. Definitely recommended.
Thijs Don CEO EPurple
We knew that the databases where doing a lot of work, but the difference that was made in a quick slow-query assessment followed up by the application of some configuration changes and the addition of a couple of indexes was really not expected. This will have a very quick ROI since we will not need to scale up the RDS hosting-plan. Highly recommended.
T.J. Zeeman Software Architect Trifork NLD


€109 / $119

(ex sales tax)
per hour
Remote work
  • We charge this hourly rate for all our (pre-estimated or fixed-price) remote work and consultancy services.
  • Contact us for a quotation.

€129 / $139

(ex sales tax)
per hour
ON-SITE work
  • Excluding travel time, and if abroad travel expenses and stay-over.
    We start traveling from Nijmegen, The Netherlands (for PostgreSQL / MySql) or Pijacker (The Netherlands) (for MS SQL Server / cloud expertise).

€218 / $238

(ex sales tax)
That is a 50% discount!
  • If you are not sure what can be done and want our opinion, we can do a 3 to 4 hour assessment. If this assessment leads to consultancy it will be fully refunded.
  • The assessment will be done remotely.


We like robots, but not if they fill in our forms.
Humanity-check: How much is 3 squared?